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Banfield Pet Hospital (Tampa)

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About Banfield Pet Hospital (Tampa)

Residents of Tampa, Florida trust Banfield Pet Hospital (Tampa) for their pet care needs. This veterinary practice specializes in routine pet wellness services. We encourage you to contact the location directly to verify address, hours of operation, and service offerings prior to arrival.

Map & Directions

(813) 875-6702

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Reviews & Ratings

5 Reviews on “Banfield Pet Hospital (Tampa)”

5 reviews
  • Melanie Shepherd

    I am pretty happy with Banfield. I take both my dog and cat here, and I don’t have much to complain about. It is a busy location, I understand that, but I do wish they could answer the phone a bit quicker. I only get frustrated when I have to call 10+ times before I am able to reach someone. But the technicians and veterinarians are all kind. They have also helped to answer some questions that may have seemed obvious and I really appreciate them taking the time to assist me. Both my pets are covered by the Optimum Wellness Plan (Active Care Plus) and personally, it has helped me better afford care for the two of them. I do wish it didn’t require a plan to be able to afford their services, but for my family, my pets have been able to get more care done in an appropriate amount of time because of it. I feel like there is a bit of an issue with it not alerting you that you are going to renew after a year, but I marked the date on my calendar and still decided to renew. And they treat both my animals very well! My dog had some anxiety issues at his old veterinary office but he seems to be okay coming here so they must be treating him pretty great back there!

  • Md.Rubayat-E Tanjil

    Terrible service. They need to mention morning appointments are pet drop off. I am not dropping my pet in a hospital for 6 hours, especially to people who has no sense of responsibility and cant even provide basic information to the customers.

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